I added a title (in Zentangle®, of course)

This theme (which some of my community friends are taking on with me this fall) is about recording the place where I have lived for 12+ years and which I know will not always be my home. Life happens and I know that at some point, Greg and I will head back to Wisconsin. This will be a nice memory of a home I have truly loved and represents many of our retired years.
The idea is based on a Tuesday Tip sent by Koosje from Sketchbook School this past week. Her idea (since many of us continue fairly housebound right now) is in fact to embrace this.
I decided to put a cloth tie on this little journal (accordion folded).
I just used some of my gel print papers for the front and back cover and glued in a bit of a cloth tie. Voila.
Here in Florida the days continue in the high 90s and also extremely high humidity. So sketching outside is not very comfortable as of yet. It should not be too much longer. We are praying now to get through the hurricane season well. Then on to slightly cooler and more enjoyable weather for outdoor things.
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy and safe Labor Day weekend.