I just got this message from her today...
Ginny, I just had to let you know that I submitted my artwork from your Workshop last year, the painted paper acrylic collage/painting, to the Eagle River (WI) Revitalization Project, Artscape, and it was selected and sponsored by Ogren Electronics for this summer long event! I believe 40 were selected. They took the artwork from each entry, blew it up to be reproduced on 24” x 51” banners that will hang on Wall andRailroad Streets from Memorial Day until Veterans Day! The project will also be showcasing the art and artists in full color brochures and on posters and promoted as a walking tour . I am so excited! Leslie
I am so proud of Leslie!!! Well done and I can hardly wait to go to Eagle River to see the banners this summer! Nothing makes a teacher happier than successful students!