Thursday, May 7, 2015

Acrylic Fun

Acrylic 11 x 14 canvas board

So I am in this online free acrylic class sponsored by Strathmore papers.  The teacher is Patti Mollica.  Nice soft big brush approach..I like it. Sort of like Jane Slivka who I once took a class from in Mt. Dora, FL.  Patti demos a nice wine bottle and two glasses.  We are allowed to place a photo of our work from the class in a free gallery where Patti can comment or other can also.  So I do a quick study of this life buoy at St. George Island and even though it's not done and needs some work (unsigned you'll note) I flip it onto the gallery.  (Hey, I am packing here to go north and I don't have a lot of time.)

It's the next day when I go online to look at other's work that I notice that I am THE only one who has NOT painted a wine bottle and two glasses.  Wait.  I was supposed to paint what the teacher painted without a photo reference?  I look in my in box and there is a photo reference.   Oh boy.  So here's the gallery, wine, wine, wine, wine, wine, life buoy, wine, wine.  You get the picture.
OH boy.  So I write a little public note in the space provided for us to communally chat and note my distress at not having been provided with the notification that I was supposed to paint a wine bottle.  The teacher is understanding and apologizes for getting the photo reference out a little late.  

So I get this feedback from one of my co-painter students who did her painting and posted correctly.  She says, ""Which one of these things in not like the other….which one of these things just doesn't belong….can you guess which thing is not like the other before I finish my song…..XOXOX"

I just got to laughing.  That is EXACTLY how it looks…a Sesame Street game.  Hahaha.  I love it.  People are so funny.
There is always one, isn't there?  This time it's ME.  

Oh well, Patti will paint again next week and I won't be able to paint along because by then all my acrylics will be packed up and ready to go into the car.  Boo hoo.  At least I'll be able to watch along as I travel using my iPad.  

Incidentally, Patti uses only flat brushes 1,2, and 3" and does all the detail with them so as to keep things loose.  I like using the angular flats that I bought for Jane's class.  They are made by Scheewe and are called "background brushes".  I have a one inch and a 1-1/2"  Nylon.  Patti says she just uses inexpensive nylon brushes from Michaels or wherever.  They need to come to a sharp edge and have spring to them.  Voila.  There will be two more free Strathmore online classes in September on lettering and pen and ink drawing and I can hardly wait.  These have been very fun.  

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