These canvases are (3/4"gallery wrapped). And I worked on these for a few hours this afternoon at the Manitowish Waters Art Leage Workshop in a town of the same name. The paint is acrylic and was applied with a credit card to start the background.
Our workshop leader provided us with a lot of fun sayings to choose from. This one just seemed right for our cabin time this summer!!! Or maybe for life in the slow lane? 12 x 12
This is actually the hope that Zentangle teachers try to give to students. Stop thinking...relax, breathe, and let you hand and mind weave magic. 6 x 6
I decided not to apply the final varnish coat since I have a few more things I'd like to a add to both of them.
Materials used: acrylic paint, brushes, polymer medium, pens, collage papers, sponges, spackeling compound, and stencils.
Great fun!