I think you can sort of see that as I proceed through this exercise of sketching every day (and you can scroll back through a few of them back to August 13), that I become more interested in "detail" and perhaps even "storytelling" in my sketches.
I find that having to work exclusively in ink I have to plan things that overlap and try to gauge where something will touch something else far more than if I had a pencil and eraser in my hand. My perspective is still "off" but it's getting a little better as I go along...looking at angles now and trying to think through how the stapler stuck out of the shelf before drawing the lines of the actual shelf.
This is my little desk in the guest room at the cabin where obviously I keep a plethora of odds and ends from string, to tape, to envelopes. It's where the books I am reading get stacked and the manuals for how to set the phone machine...yadda yadda. This is a 2-day sketch because I forgot last night and so Brenda says...just do two the next day. I felt that this was complex enough to count for two. This took about 20-30 minutes. But when you are doing it you are not aware of time at all.