Tuesday, September 27, 2016

AC: Anxiety Creativity

“Anxiety is the essential condition of intellectual and artistic creation and everything that is finest in human history.” (Charles Frankel

For some crazy reason…during these times of "transition anxiety" for me (each spring and fall as I leave one abode and pack up and try to re-assemble my life in another climate, in another home, in another set of circumstances and in a different studio) I start to get especially and explosively creative. 

 Just at the time I am supposed to be packing things away.  Maybe BECAUSE of the packing and the moving of materials around…as in "oh my gosh here are my acrylic inks, and I didn't use them all summer" or "I forgot I had my alphabet stamps tucked into this box" or here is the sketch I did of the Italian Restaurant…I have 20 minutes, surely I can get started".  OMGosh.  Anxiety hits and suddenly I am in the middle of a wild Zentangle pattern or "my journal prompt is SO creative and can't wait, and hey…let's start on InkTober!"  I start tossing and turning at night with creative thoughts about starting a figure drawing class in FL and pulling out all my watercolors for a photo shoot.  ARRGH!  Even some framing!

Sara Genn wrote about this anxiety creativity in her recent blog. She used to get this happen to her right at exam time when she should be studying!  And of course I SHOULD be packing. She says, "The mind wanders every which way, perhaps as avoidance activity for that which truly needs to be done." And she offers tips like making lists of these things and putting it an envelope to be opened LATER.  Not to lose the ideas and the excitement, just to be able to write it down and put it aside. I am praying that sort of sanity may hit me soon.!  Meanwhile here is the wc painting that I just did because I couldn't help myself!!!

Gosh I am glad I am not the only one who gets this way!  

12 x 14 wc and ink on 140# Arches
"La Grotta" 

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