This is the first, wildest, wisest thing I know: the soul exists...it is built entirely out of attentiveness.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Bob Burridge Workshop: Day Four

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Bob Burridge Workshop: Day Three

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Bob Burridge Workshop: Day Two

Monday, August 23, 2010
Bob Burridge's class at Dillman's: Day One

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Midsummer Reverie

Midsummer, Georgia Avenue
Happiness: a high, wide porch, white columns
crowned by the crepe-paper party hats
of hibiscus; a rocking chair; iced tea; a book;
an afternoon in late July to read it,
or read the middle of it, having leisure
to mark that place and enter it tomorrow
just as you left it (knock-knock of woodpecker
keeping yesterday's time, cicada's buzz,
the turning of another page, and somewhere
a question raised and dropped, the pendulum-
swing of a wind chime). Back and forth, the rocker
and the reading eye, and isn't half
your jittery, odd joy the looking out
now and again across the road to where,
under the lush allées of long-lived trees
conferring shade and breeze on those who feel
none of it, a hundred stories stand confined,
each to their single page of stone? Not far,
the distance between you and them: a breath,
a heartbeat dropped, a word in your two-faced
book that invites you to its party only
to sadden you when it's over. And so you stay
on your teetering perch, you move and go nowhere,
gazing past the heat-struck street that's split
down the middle—not to put too fine
a point on it—by a double yellow line.
"Midsummer, Georgia Avenue" by Mary Jo Salter, from Open Shutters. © Alfred A. Knopf, 2003 Reprinted with permission
watercolor 11 x 15 on Arches cold pressed
Monday, August 16, 2010
Demo for workshop

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Supply List for Paper Painting Workshop Sept 15

Materials needed:
· Photo references/ newspaper for covering floor
· A small jar of gloss gel medium (you need gel that is thick,not drippy like most collage glue.)
· A few brushes ¼ to ½ ” flats
· Acrylic paint (Liquitex Basics are fine or whatever you already have.)
· An 11 x 14 Yes Canvas board recommended. I’ll bring some ready to use for $4.00 each.
· Kinwashi Rice paper to paint. This is about $2.50. You can buy from me at class. Option: white coffee filters
· Other random papers: sheet music, wrapping paper, pretty postage stamps, even some magazine and newspapers with interesting print or designs. Some people shop garage sales and pick up old children’s books to use the colorful illustrations to tear up!!!
· A large black plastic trash bag to cover the table* this is important for painting the rice paper!
· If you would like to paint along with me, I will have an outline to trace.
So the class is an extra $6.50.
You will have to buy the gloss gel yourself. Cheap Joe has it for 8 oz for 7.55. Probably 3 people could go together with that much! (p. 72. Liquitex Gloss Gel WL5708) Michaels might carry this. (LAA members $20 + $6.50 and Guests: $25 + $6.50 for board and rice paper.)
Many people like to work with the board tilted up. If you have a small table easel bring it along.
Ginny Stiles email: ginny.stiles@gmail.com
Friday, August 6, 2010
The People's Choice Art Show

Thursday, August 5, 2010
"Autumn Forest" Nearing Completion

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Reworking an old painting...