Tuesday, February 28, 2017

How is it with your soul today?

Daughter, Julie, and hubby at the Deland Arts Tour last Saturday

"So how is it with your soul today? Your mind may be filled with lists of things to do or problems to solve. Your heart may be brimming with new life or breaking with sorrow. But how is it with your soul? Whatever the day may bring or has brought, how are you experiencing God in this time?"
Talitha Arnold

I am privileged to get a daily devotional.  Something to get you thinking about the "real' stuff of life for a few moments usually at the start of the day....before you get distracted. 

Today's devotional reminded me of some thoughts and experiences of this past weekend.  Being reminded about the mystery of the journey we are on and about the way art is involved in the "stories" I tell about me and my pathway.

First I am reminded of the the lovely visit from my younger daughter this weekend.  Her life is full of lots of "soul searching" and exploration.  Seems like she has been given the task of taking me along with her and she travels.  Every time she spends time with us I am left with new books to read, new poems to think on, new ideas to share, new examples of how to connect with people and new ways of looking at life or even at the end of life.

Second I am touched by the artists I met this weekend on the Deland Florida Arts Tour.  Several of them gave me a chance to pause and give new consideration to "how my soul is today" and how my art responds to this question.

In the next few blogs I will share a couple of the artists that I met.  So be watching.  Meanwhile, how is it with your soul today?

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