Friday, June 24, 2011


I recently wrote an email note to my former roommate from college. Now note, I did not say my OLD roommate from college. This would predicate the need to remind everyone that if this person was my roommate in college, how OLD would that make ME?

So anyway…this email I sent to her first was a reflective piece on aging and time, and precipitated by our upcoming 50th college reunion in October. I concluded with “It's just part of being human...struggling to help each other along the journey and sharing adventures along the way. The sweet sadness of time passing. We need to hold hands as we cross the streets. “

So now she has me labeled as “person who likes to ponder”. So she sent me a list of silly things to ponder like Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one?

Actually I do ponder things like that! :-)

Meanwhile, the whole thing started when I went back to re-read the Christmas cards and letters from last Christmas (I always do this in the summertime) and started thinking about a collage for my Christmas card this year. THAT is what this strange surfaced canvas board is all about. The support for a collage. A Christmas theme…pondering Christmas past for hints on how to live for Christmas present. Ideas anyone? Are you pondering?

1 comment:

  1. Ok - I see a snowman in the lower right corner! And, I'm afraid that I'm not much of a "Ponderer" - I just seem to go with the flow. I wish I were more curious, I think that would be interesting!
