This is the first, wildest, wisest thing I know: the soul is built entirely out of attentiveness.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Do not disappoint the squirrel of judgement
Someone posted this on Facebook and I am sorry I don't have a reference for where it came from.
But it hit both my funny bone AND my "uh oh" bone.
You wouldn't want to disappoint the "squirrel of judgment"!!! Hahaha.
Having TWO new computer devices arrive for Christmas has "sucked" a LOT of time over the last two weeks...getting things "migrated" from one computer to the other, getting used to a new format for my Apple (Sierra) and then also a new format on my new iPad. How nuts with THAT decision. Hahaha. is that for a confession!
Back to art...I have a huge array of ideas on my studio problem about what ideas to create...more a problem of where to start. I usually start with clean up and organization. This NEEDS to get done. I want to throw open the studio windows this morning (it's 85 again here in central complaints there).
When perplexed, I always start with re-organization. I finished up the paper clay projects (for now) and I'd like to move back to wc painting and sketching for part of January. Some new ideas on the back burner there. And I'd like to work a bit on the ZenAgain workshop I am planning for later in January here in the park (for folks who had basic course already).
I haven't done any gelli printing this fall at all.
That studio table is mess. Sigh. A catch all.
I am trying to work up a group here in the park for a "drawing a day" challenge until Feb 6 (about 4 weeks). I think I need the support for that challenge too. I am always inspired by Danny Gregory. That link by the way takes you to a little video about drawing every day. There is a new course on Sketchbook Skool if you want to get serious about it. off to that organization excitement. Hahaha. Photos of neat and tidy studio to follow. I hope.
Friday, December 23, 2016
The Luminaries
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Sketchcrawl in the Villages
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Moleskin journal 5 x 10 |
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Finishing up the paper clay sunflower...
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So then using rubber gloves I removed the burnt umber acrylic with rubbing alcohol. This process sort of antiques the clay...leaving dark residue in all the crevices. |
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Zentangle® on Glass Vase
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Zentangle Vase: Oil based marker-8" high |
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second view |
They will decorate our "tea tables" at the very nice show we have on March 12, 2017 (1-4) in Leesburg, FL (open to the public).
Naturally I thought of Zentangle! I have filled mine with cotton balls only to show off the designs a little better for the camera. But I do think I'll need to find something white and interesting for the actual show. It need not be edible but it could be. Suggestions?
I thought of mini-marshmallows. Or white mints.
I also thought of using some skewers I might have some little flags (in black and white) with "welcome" on them or something.
If anyone has a good suggestion about how to finish this off in a clever fashion put them in the comments. I think the vases will be saved to use another year but I am not sure.
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Paper Clay 2nd project
10 x 10 on gallery wrapped canvas
My second paper clay project is for a scholarship giveaway up in WI this summer. Nothing like getting it done early! But I can show it the Hawthorne Park show IF I deem it worthy.
Okay so in this one, with a photo reference, I decided on a wild bright yellow/orange/green background. The I drew the flower on heavy tracy paper and cut out the pieces to assemble. Whew.
This took hours. But I am pleased with the result. But it's hard to imagine the finished piece yet.
So now it dried overnight and still isn't completely dry. So now it is in the sun on my desk by the window (good hot FL sun) and it should be dry today.
I think the steps I'll follow will be slightly different for this piece.
I will cover the WHOLE piece with a wash of white gesso. While wet, I'll wipe off most of the gesso from the background leaving some wispy glazes. Or that is the plan anyway. Let dry.
Then I'll add two coats of clear gloss acrylic over just the clay. Letting dry between each coat. Then…this I am not sure yet…then I think I cover the clay with a thin glaze of burnt umber and black acrylic and let dry. (Scary, huh?)
Then comes the antiquing step with rubbing alcohol. I'll rub off most of the dark paint leaving just dark in the textures. Let dry. I may hard some dark around the outside of the clay edges as well. THEN, I can finally add color to the flowers and leaves.
If everything is as I wish (hmmm) then I have two coats of gloss acrylic medium/varnish. Wish me luck.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Finishing the paper clay project
I've completed the paper clay/acrylic project. See previous post for information on how I put it together. The final two coats of gloss/varnish have been put on.
If you wanted to frame this you would have use kind of a shadow box format. Or it could most likely be displayed on a little easel of some sort.
Now what I "should" do is complete a second one right away so I remember the steps but try a little different technique. This one is an "appliqué" type where I glued the clay on canvas board at the end.
Many of the projects in the book just have you put the wet clay onto the board or the canvas and let it dry there.
Happy holidays.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
A first attempt at Paper Clay
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5 x 7 canvas on board...unfinished |
There are multiple varieties suggested so this is just a beginning.
There are quite a few steps to getting the clay to the finishing point. In this piece I chose a piece of hand-painted paper (gelli print paper) as a back ground which is adhered to a canvas board with mat medium. (Acrylic paint).
The gulls were rolled out of the clay which comes pre-packaged and is easy to work with. (and not expensive.) The feathers, etc, were pressed into the clay with various items around the studio or paper clips, tongue depressors, and etc. Then left to dry. And because this was not pre-attached to the background and will be glued on later, I had to turn the piece over for quite awhile to get it to dry thoroughly. I think they can be baked in a 200 oven too.
Rogene likes a kind of "distressed" look to her clay so I went along with that...putting a coat of white gesso on (dry) and two coats of gloss medium on next (dry between coats). Then painting over the birds with a watered down black acrylic (let dry) and then removing it again with alcohol. Let dry. Then adding color.
And the "stems" that I decided to add at the end will have some of those steps still to go through. That is the way the clay looks before all the steps begin. I think I will use some of yellow green and blue already in the background for the stems.
At the end I will glue them on the background board with Elmer's white glue. (In some projects they are attached to the board earlier in the project.) Then several coats of medium/varnish is brushed on at the very end to seal everything. Title: "At the Shore".
This is my give-away piece for the Fine Arts Show in January.
Only 5 x 7. But a good practice piece.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Zentangle Along

Icanthis, Drawings, Noom, Waybop, Reel, Moowa, Prasima, Remo, Tumbleweed, Panzee.
Lots of new tangles to play around with.
Thanksgiving over and now the holiday fun really rolls into gear. Here at our FL park the first two weeks of December are really full of things to do…caroling, plays, orchestra events, cookie exchanges, and tree lighting just to name a few. Whew.
Pacing is everything. AND keeping well.
So everyone keep safe and have a good holiday season.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Back to sketching!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Diva Challenge is Eaxy
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Zentangle Calendar 8.5
Monday, October 31, 2016
Farewell to October
Toward the Solstice
by Mark Perlberg
We burned our leaves on the bluest October day,the sun still warm on our backs,
frost just a ghost in the shrubbery.
We raked the leaves into shifting piles on the lawn,
scooped them into deep round baskets
and spilled them in the street against the curb.
The vein of fire, unseen at first in diamond light,
whispered through oak leaves brown as butcher paper,
and maple still flushed with color like maps
torn from The Book of Knowledge.
We were letting go of October, relinquishing color,
readying ourselves for streets lacquered with ice,
the town closed like a walnut, locked inside the cold.
So farewell then to October, past and present, and onward to more subtle but lovely November.Since I was born in November, my memories of THAT month are keen as well.I used to fell gypped that I had that birth month so stark and so windy and tinged with the smell of coming snow.SO quiet with the song birds gone. Smells of nature gone cold.Days tinged just slightly with the smell and promise of the holidays to come AND often filled with exams and tests at school. A turning inward slightly due to the weather pattern and the shortness of days. Warm scarves again and soft sweaters. In southern WI the corn fields left to be harvest rattle in the wind, deer hunting started, we would awake sometimes to dustings of snow in the old corn rows or frost to be scraped from a car window. As I grew older I began to see a certain stark beauty of the gold against the grayness. Old weed pods and spent cat tails in the marsh making shadow patterns against bare trunk. But it took a long time to notice the beauty. I think it is the same with old age. It takes awhile to appreciate it…you rail against it, as you rail against November, until you see that it's part of the whole picture and just as the colors of gray are needed in a painting allowing you see the other colors fully, November comes to offer up kind of foil against which you can lean the beauty of the other seasons. Beautiful in it's own subtle ways. And then toward the month's end, a gathering of the clans to celebrate the harvest and food and football.November is a lovely month in central FL…foggy mornings give way to 85 degree afternoons. Perfect for whatever you want to do. The "Golden Rain Trees" blossom in Oct and Nov and are filled with rusty orange blossoms reminding one of changing leaves in WI but actually are flowers! Beautiful to see. Our hibiscus in bright pink in the afternoon sunshine.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
The Last Inktober Challenge Day
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Best Friends |
I have a husband with Essential Tremor and I know what it is like when your hands are not really there for you, not dependable, and frustrating. Those of us with steady hands should be totally grateful.
So here's to holding hands, picking flowers and reaching for the stars.
I've enjoyed the ink tober challenge but it's not been easy while on the road!!! I missed 4 days which I don't think is bad considering.
Happy Halloween everyone.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
The Diva's Challenge for this week…Nzepple and Flux
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Ink-Tober prompt: SQUEEZE Day 26
Monday, October 24, 2016
Some Days
Some Days by Philip Terman Some days you have to turn off the news
and listen to the bird or truck
or the neighbor screaming out her life. You have to close all the books and open all the windows so that whatever swirls inside can leave and whatever flutters against the glass can enter. Some days you have to unplug the phone and step out to the porch and rock all afternoon and allow the sun to tell you what to do. The whole day has to lie ahead of you like railroad tracks that drift off into gravel. Some days you have to walk down the wooden staircase through the evening fog to the river, where the peach roses are closing, sit on the grassy bank and wait for the two geese. "Some Days" by Philip Terman from Our Portion. © Autumn House Press, 2015. Reprinted with permission. Ain't it the truth? We just got back to Leesburg…the sun is gorgeous. It's so good to be home. |
Sunday, October 23, 2016
On the road sketches
Had a marvelous boat ride in SC on Thursday...86 degrees! We stopped T-Bones for lunch and ate out on the deck.
The seconds sketch was of our restaurant entrance in Helena, GA after dinner Sat night.
We are in the last leg of the journey now...expect to be in Leesburg late this afternoon.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Ink-Tober CREEPY
This stuffed raven looks a bit like he might start to tip over.
The model comes with a wire stand which I did not include.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Ink-Tober challenge for Day 21: Flight and Diva Challenge: LEAVES
I am combining the Diva's challenge of "leaf fun" AND my ink-Tober challenge for day 21.
The titles are not in order as I post for inktober because I like to mix them up.
The sweet gum trees are whirling everywhere her in South Carolina.
Ink-Tober #20 TIRED
I know the number on the entry doesn't actually match the 20th day.
What I am doing is drawing each day BUT I am skipping around now to fit the circumstances as I travel.
Tired seemed so appropriate. This table was at Pipe Stem Resort in West Virginia at the lovely little restaurant looking over beautiful colored mountains draped in fall colors.but thank heaven now a relaxing 2 days at my sister's in SC.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Ink-Tober Challenge # 18 ESCAPE
I hate to mention this but having a nice glass of wine (one) is a way to "escape" and relax.
Ink-tober 16 and 17
Catching up to Day 17 now and we are on the downward curve for the challenge.
It is trickier now to find time in the midst of travel!!!
Travel Fun
Here we are in Frankfort, ILL last night enjoying Octoberfaest!!!
Visiting with friends today and then heading toward Cincinnati on Monday.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Ink-Tiber Challenge 15
Relax was actually an easy prompt for us. Here is my step son Mark watching the Packer Game.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Ink-Tober #14: TREE
Tree is surly THE easiest prompt for someone who summers in the north woods of WI.
Autumn just surrounds you with that "glow".
This is the view from my computer desk toward the boat house.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Ink-tober #13: SCARED
I really had a hard time with word. I started with Katy's silk flower arrangement.
Thinking as I drew that there was NOTHING scary about this.
Then I thought of drawing Donald Trump. He's REALLY scary.
But I caved into a Halloween theme and just relaxed.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Zentangle calendar
I see that I forgot to add this to my posts before I headed off.
It won't be quite as clear as a scan would be as this old Generation two iPad camera is not the best.
But you can get the idea.
Ink-tober # 11 TRANSPORT
I have goofed up my numbering for the challenge and this post should have come first.
Anyway here is the earlier prompt. Guess it really is not important which came first.
Ink-tober #10 WORRIED
This is a sketch of my husband's nuerotranmitter for his ET (Essential Tremor).
After his DBS surgery 5 years ago he has been able to control his tremor in his dominate hand with this .
Now it is time to replace the surgically implanted batteries. It is a bit of a worry that the batteries will last to the Nov 4 surgery
date. Keep your fingers crossed that we will be able to travel home to FL with no issues.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Day 10 of Ink-Tober Challenge: JUMP
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Day 7 of Ink-Tober: the prompt is LOST
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Ink-Tober prompt: SAD and a triple whammy
Triple Whammy today with 3 postings all in one!
My Ink-tober prompt is first, then another is the tangled calendar series, and last a group of tiny Bijou tiles with new tangles that I am enjoying….
Monday, October 3, 2016
Ink-Tober Day 4: Hungry
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Day 3 of Ink-Tober
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Ink-Tober Day 2: Noisy
The prompt for Day 2 made me think of two items here at the cabin that make noise and are kind of special. The school bell that I was given on the occasion of my 30th year at Reek School (engraved with my name and the year) and the old kitchen timer that Greg's mom had for many years. Both are kind of sentimental objects that were fun to draw.
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Journal with slightly yellow pages 6 x 10 |
Ink-Tober Day One
Are you ready to take on the Inktober challenge? Here are the rules:
1) Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want).
2) Post it online (Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest, or just pin it on your wall.)
3) Hashtag it with #Inktober (Extra credit: Tag @ArtistsNetwork for your chance to win a package of drawing supplies!)
4) Repeat
Note: You can do it daily, or go the half-marathon route and post every other day, or just do the 5K and post once a week. Whatever you decide, just be consistent with it. Inktober is about growing and improving and forming positive habits, so the more you’re consistent the better off you’ll be.
That’s it! Now go make something beautiful. ~Jake
So I warned you…Ink-Tober was coming! Unfortunately I don't have an Instagram account myself. You I am just posting here. The downside is that I cannot see what others are creating! I may have to consider getting more techy! :-)
I wrote about Jake Parker who started this up about 7 years ago in a previous post. I think I mentioned he is a cartoonist. Imagine how interesting HIS posts will be! Mine are going to be simple. I'll follow the prompts if I can figure something out to go with the word. You can read more about him AND Ink-Tober here.
The word for the first day is "Fast" which has multiple meanings. Everything from "not eating" to "moving quickly" to edgier meanings about time…which can go fast or slow, of course. But I interpreted it to mean "how fast time can go". This is a sort of tribute to my friend Joanne who passed away just Thursday evening. How living looks like as goes into warp speed once you become aware of how finite it really is.
Here's my hubby's favorite garage sale find…an old clock… I drew it just in ink (no pencil) and so it is a little "wonky" as ink drawings sometimes are.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Diva's Challenge: use straight lines only
I decided to put the Diva's Challenge into my Zentangle calendar as I often do. I thought I'd try "Hazen" that I think is an official tangle. Never tried it before. The square numbered 11 is sort of what it looked like to me. But I was clueless how to repeat it. So I just meandered off (in straight lines) and made up more. Then finished off with "Atorm" which has LOTS of straight lines.
I thought I'd post what I have done of this calendar so far...
I usually start a calendar sort of randomly like this…popping around to different sections each time I work on it. Then going back to fill in sections or extend sections.
Below is the challenge for Back to Square One Facebook group and also for the Shading Group and the tangle was "Garlic". I am limited to black, white and gray in the Square One group.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Planning for Ink-Tober6
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