Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Diva's Challenge: Beads of Courage

We all are inspired and continue to be amazed at the amazing energy and spirit of Laura Harms.  These beads of courage are a gift to her young son for each of the times he has had to exhibit courage in his journey in this life.  We all think Laura deserves her "own" beads of courage!  This one's for you, Laura.


  1. Hi, Ginny. I love your beads. The perspective is awesome and gives your piece a lot of depth of field. Very effective. Your "Cat's Cradle" of strung beads in the background is beautifully constructed. Beautiful and very appropriate for this emotional challenge.

  2. I second that cheers to Laura!!! Well done!

  3. Lovely words and tangles, Ginny - and I wholeheartedly agree. Axxx
