It's been awhile since I've taught beginners! The lesson plan she gave me talks about demonstrating how to make 3-dimentional objects come alive on a 2-dimentional surface.
The handout for the students suggests copying a line drawing for an onion and a pepper and then discusses cast and form shadows. The discussion is good, but I hardly think drawing the actual vegetables will be beyond them. They've been in class for several months now. (3 Monday mornings a month.) Surely we can all freehand an onion and a pepper!!!! I hope to have a little display of the drawings afterwards. Wish me luck.
Haven't had access to the computer a couple days - seems I miss a lot! Love the baby pineapple and stories associated therewith. Hope "he" tasted good! Good luck on your class - I'm sure they will be able to draw the veggies (but not without a lot of complaining!)