Thursday, August 23, 2012

Verve, Tri-Po, Shattuck, Auraknot, Girlande

Yes, now I have started keeping track of the "names" of the patterns I am using! Because I am going to be teaching a little 3 hour workshop on Sept 26, I decided I perhaps might need to pay attention more to where the patterns are and WHAT they are called.
The pattern names above are all on the first Zentangle®

You don't need to know the names, of course, in order to create little mini masterpieces (3.5" square) but it helps if you plan to share making them with someone else. This first one appeals to me for some reason...a nice composition. I am paying a little more attention to that these days.

On this Zentangle tile are Cruffle, Cabin Floor, Popsicle, and IX (Nine) which is one of the newest tangles just introduced at the workshop in Rhode Island!

Zentangle enthusiasts will recognize these and you can go to and find out the steps for making each one of these patterns should you so desire! She has an alphabetical listing of the patterns there by name.

I have organized my patterns in a 3-ring binder but I wish I had done it alphabetically now (too late for that). But at least I know have "tabs" with the names of the patterns and I think I'd like to go and put a * by the ones that are easy-peasy so I know to use those with beginners. I saw at the workshop ( that they use an overhead projector to teach new tangle patterns. Cool idea. There must be a lot of those floating around now as teachers more often use "smartboards" in their classrooms. I am thinking of purchasing a cheap white board (small) because I think that might be handy for demo. Meanwhile I will watch at garage sales as something may show up.

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