Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Diva's Challenge: Tangle a Labyrinth

The diva's challenge this week is to tangle a labyrinth.  
Laura found she had given herself a real challenge this time.
Labyrinths are not that easy to draw in the first place (although she gave a good link to drawing one).

This is THE most simple one and I moved ahead a week in my Tangle-a-Day calendar so I'd have enough room to do this.  Don't get the wrong impressions that I am really this far ahead!  

I wanted to stay "true" to a labyrinth's purpose and that is to have a clear path in and out (a meditative path) so that the person walking it has no worry about finding their way.  (The difference between this and a maze is huge!).  Mazes are puzzles to be solved.  Labyrinths are meditative walks without worry of getting lost.

So I made it a "yellow brick road".  You won't get lost in there.


  1. I like this, I like the yellow line in it.

  2. What a great yellow brick road path for not getting lost!...unlike Dorothy's trip this is clear and precise for your meditative journey. Lovely idea!

  3. I like the idea of a yellow brick road with a definite path. Your labyrinth is pleasing to the eye and well done.
