In this challenge the Diva asks us to explore the "zen" in Zentangle.
Maybe not use tangles? Just explore.
But for me the zen comes from THE most relaxing of the tangles...those which no longer require me to look at a "step out" or even think actually..just "be" in the moment. If I am "inventing lines then I am back into the "creation" level again. For me the ZEN comes in the "unthinking" part of the design.
The tangles in this Zentangle are all gentle on my mind. Note there is only one semi-grid one which is a variation of Cubine.
Crescent moon, Paradox, Golven, Jetties, Cubine, Striping, Tipple, Shard. laces. All just gentle Zen tangles for me.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
A great zentangle!