Sunday, July 12, 2009


I quote Diane Maxey when I say "Anything worth painting, is worth painting red!"  :-)  And she is the queen of red to be sure. I was on Barb Sailor's blog this morning and she is now also a queen of red.  Check out her chili peppers!  Wow!  
She said on it that she used several brands and shades of red to get her effect.  Same here. Although she has a warmer hotter red and mine is cooler.
 This painting is about 11 x 15 on Arches 140 cold press.  It was inspired from a trip to Madeline Island in Lake Superior last year.  How my husband shook his head upon seeing this,  as I took a ton of photos of cliffs, lighthouses and rock pools and ended up painting a bench on the ferry.  Go figure.  I fell in love with the red and the shadows and shapes.  And it was glaze after glaze of red before I could get the feel I wanted.  Hope to get into the studio today as we are supposed to get some rain in the north woods this afternoon.  If it doesn't rain, my husband has another "painting" type for me to do as he's just cut new scalloped trim to go around the new breezeway and he wants it primed as soon as possible.  Hmmmm.


  1. Ginny - I love this painting and your reds are spectacular!!! I think this was a wonderful subject for a painting and delivers "impact!"

  2. This is a huge compliment from the "queen of red" herself!!!

  3. Hi Ginny,

    My name is Ku'ulei, I am Dave Holmes granddaughter. I am dabbling in watercoloring and love your blog and paintings! Just wanted to say a quick hello=)

  4. Oh Ku'ulei...oh wonderful to hear from you. I am so glad Uncle David sent you my blog site. I hope you'll drop by often.
